Nouns (Kata Benda)


Nouns (kata benda) merupakan kata-kata yang mengacu pada person, place, object, feeling/idea, activity, atau quality. Nouns berperan   sebagai subject, object atau complement dalam kalimat. 

Perhatikan kalimat berikut:

  • Many students study vocabulary by repeating the words.
  • Long-term memory is like a very big library with many books. 
  • A thing of a beauty is a joy forever.  
  • Islam is one of the major world religions.
  • You can also make a picture in your mind with the word.

(Kata students mengacu pada person. Kata memory, library dan books mengacu pada object. Kata Islam mengacu pada feeling/idea. Sedangkan kata mind mengacu pada place)


Underline nouns and mention whether they are place, object, feeling/idea, activity, or quality. Do as examples.  

  • The check his patient tooth.    ___person___
  • The sky seemed to be full of parachutes.   ____place______

  1. Geometry is the study of shapes and configuration. ___________________
  2. The car is old and parked in the yard. ________________
  3. Happiness is the best feeling. ___________________
  4. The boring speech lasted nearly one hour. ___________________
  5. The first mathematics textbooks were written in English in 1540. ___________________

Beberapa nouns ditandai dengan penggunaan huruf kapital seperti  Holly Book, Public Library, Indonesia, Muhammad, dan Batusangkar yang disebut dengan  proper  nouns.  Sementara kata-kata seperti  library, book, word, picture, dan sentence disebut  dengan  common  nouns kecuali di awal kalimat.


Complete the following sentences with correct form of nouns in parentheses. Do as examples.

  • Mama and I will go to the  lake   next month.   (lake or Lake)
  • Aunt Jo went to  Lake Placid   for the weekend.   (lake placid, Lake placid or Lake Placid)

  1. We live near the ____________.   (city or City)
  2. My ___________ gave us a homework assignment.  (teacher or Teacher)
  3. Is __________________ a strict teacher?  (Mr. brown or Mr. Brown)
  4. My dog, _____________ likes to play fetch with a tennis ball.  (buster or Buster)
  5. At the zoo, we saw a gorilla named ______________.   (grumpy or Grumpy)
  6. That girl lives on ___________________.   (adam street, Adam street, or Adam Street)
  7. Dad's birthday is in _______________.   (january or January)